Monday, December 3, 2007

The Maggie Misadventure

She is terrific. She is fantastic. She is highly addictive. She is Maggie.

(My hair looks like feathers. Bloody hell, I stole this outfit from the Beatles during the Sgt. Pepper years.)

I thought that it was game over with Maggie. After talking a few times, we met for the first time, had sushi (in Fort Collins, and it was remarkably GOOD), talked a few more times.

Then Thanksgiving. Then complete radio silence. Phone calls went unanswered and unreturned. After the brilliant time we'd had together, I was shocked. Shocked and saddened.

I'd written her off as just someone who wasn't interested. Which is fine; frankly, I've been on the wrong end of that equation enough to A) be used to it, and B) not really get bent out of shape about it anymore. So there I was, square 1.

Then, last night... missed a call on my way home from watching the Broncos suck it up in another loss, and after getting home, checked the phone to find it was Maggie who'd called.


If I was a game player, I would not have called back. I would not have responded at all. I would have let the sleeping dog lie.

I called. She answered. We talked.

It was... terrific. Like a breath of air for a drowning man, I felt refreshed; reinvigorated.

And though I'm not getting my hopes up, though I've been down this road too many times to really believe that something could come of this... here I am.


1 comment:

ramblin' girl said...

Hope is good. Hope itself is addictive. Hope things work out as you hope they do.