Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Birthdays, mortality, and The End

Forgive me a little self-indulgence, if you please.

I turned 29 today. As in, one year from 30. 9 from 20. 11 from 40. 21 from 50.

29, in all respects, should not be a "big deal" birthday (my list is as follows: 16, 21, 25, 26, 30, 40, 50). However, in my family, the DW men do not last beyond 60. They just don't.

So am I looking at my midlife crisis? This is the question I've been pondering all morning.

Perhaps it's best that I haven't heard "Happy Birthday" from many today. I'm having a lot of trouble seeing what's so "happy" about it.


ramblin' girl said...

ok, how 'bout have an awesome birthday... happy or not!

Birthday beers on me, whenever you have time! (now that should make you a little happy!

Wendy said...

happy late birthday and don't worry. Modern medicine will force you into your hundreds...oh god.

Happy Birthday!