Wednesday, June 10, 2009

To call or not to call?

I come today to my three (or so) readers with a very important query. First, a little background.

I interviewed for a job. A great job, one that I would love going to every day. It was a great, great, GREAT interview.

I know it was great because they said so, and hinted that I would be brought in for a second interview. Then sent me follow up questions, and complimented me on my answers.

Since then, total radio silence.


I'm not a desperate man. Not really. However, I am a bit worried that I've been bypassed by another candidate, and they haven't called or written because... well I don't know why.

If it were you, and you needed to get a job (soon), would you call the place that hadn't been in touch in two weeks to see what the status is?

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