Monday, September 10, 2007

Not all bad...

I know I sounded negative about the whole weekend due to the rough experience with Ally, but all was not lost. We played on Saturday night at the Walnut Room, and did very well. It was a great show. Re-connected with a friend of mine I haven't seen since my junior year of high school, which is absurd. And got to hang out with a genuinely cool girl named Amy.

Oddly enough, Amy asked what I was doing for the game on Sunday, and instead of inviting her to Lindsey's house, which I could have done, I told her I didn't know what I was doing for the game. Then, I didn't call her. And hung out with Ally. I'm awesome.

Hope I haven't completely screwed the pooch on that one.

Shit. Even when I think I'm making the right choice, I'm usually not. I feel like I should pull a Costanza and start going the opposite direction of my instincts at all times.

Well, there's no telling what could come from this.


ramblin' girl said...

Doing the dating through the alphabet thng I see?

Anonymous said...

very funny.