Tuesday, September 18, 2007

When you can't sleep...

Your brain starts asking crazy questions. On the heels of last week's incredible showing at the Bluebird Theatre for my band, I started thinking about fame. And famous people.

Here's the question of the day, kids: how famous do you have to be (either musically, or athletically, or whatever) to have the newscasters mention A) you and B) your talent or skill, on the 10 o'clock news? What I mean is, if you robbed a bank, would it just be "a man robbed a bank today in Denver," or would you get the proper, celeb treatment? Would you get "Local musician and citizen Blah Blerblah was arrested this evening under suspicion that he robbed the First Federal Bank. Blerblah, the guitarist for the band Bloobleeebloo, yadda yadda..." THAT kind of treatment.

I was thinking about who in the Denver scene might fit the criteria for number two. Not me, not by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, there's reason to believe that my arrest would result in either A) cheers or B) yawns.

Here's the list:

Isaac Slade - The Fray
Anyone else - The Fray
Jake Schroeder - Opie Gone Bad
Someone from Earth Wind and Fire

The "maybe they'd mention the band in passing, but they wouldn't be "person associated with band" person" list:

Brice Hancock - Rubber Planet & The Toad Tavern
Patrick Meese - Meese

The Anonymous-and-loving-it list:
My band.
Pretty much everyone else in the scene.

For whatever reason, as I lay in bed last night, this seemed like it would be a deeper post. Sigh.

If there's anyone else you want to put in one of the three categories, hit 'em up in the comments.


ramblin' girl said...

So... you're thinking of robbing a bank?

Anonymous said...

probably anybody from Devotchka because they were grammy nominated.

Leslie said...

I was going to comment, but it appears the earlier two commenters took my ideas, which were a.) robbing a bank? and b.) Devotchka. Yeah -- sadly that's all I got. Wait -- Big Head Todd and the Monsters?

I feel it's appropriate to note here that Sinbad went to DU.

Anonymous said...

also let us not forget Kip Wing of the band Winger.

SDW said...


+1 for Kip Wing. Nice pull.

Anonymous said...

Does Josh Blue count?
we actually saw him tossing the football at 14th & Fillmore the other day! ....I doubt that was on the news though.