That's us. From left: Me, Kim, Laura, Thom. Naturally, I look like a chode.
This is the only photo I ended up getting with Kim in it, which is absurd considering from the moment I arrived in Missoula, I wanted to hang out with her. And I did. I just forgot to take pictures, I guess. I suck.
Got an email from Thom today. He is advising me on the Kim '07 project, which is now the official project name (in case someone asks). He said to push it back to Kim '08, essentially, and that I should move slow on this one.
So, people, I ask you: how the fuck do you move slow without A) alienating her, or B) feeling like you're not moving towards your goal? I've never been good at games, and I hate games, and this... feels like a game. Like if I don't call, she's going to think I'm playing games, and if I do, she's going to think I'm desperate.
I fucking hate this.
i'm tellin' ya man, with a girl that pretty you better act fast. she'll get snatched up in a second.
maybe you should just tell her to read your blog and then A) she will think you a whiny loser B)she will realize that all of this anguish and self loathing is all for her honor and will make the move for you C)she will appreciate your writing skills at least
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