Monday, November 5, 2007

Mighty Mangina Monologue

One of the coolest things I've learned about are the little subsections of blogs that link to each other throughout the internet. Despite being on seemingly different topics, all of these seem to have one or two things in common, and though they get there in different ways, I've read some pretty awesomely terrific writing through these little communities.

One of the best, and I mean this, is BlogHer. A collection of bloggers from across the country (and around the world, I would imagine) who have two things in common: a vagina, and breasts. I guess, technically, that's three things that they have in common. (Note: I do not think they share the same vagina and breasts. That would make them one person. Or maybe lesbians, I think. And then I could no longer call them, "Them," as "they" would be a singular entity. And then they wouldn't need a community, because they'd all be right there, busying themselves with their shared vagina and breasts. I need a nap) ANYWAY, I think they're terrific; they're funny, smart, interesting, apparently drink a great deal of wine (witness Not a Girl, Not Yet a Wino in the links), and possess a certain amount of awesomeness incarnate with being really, really smarmy. I truly believe that A) Leslie, she of the Librarian Intelligence Agency, should be a member, and B) coming up with something as simple and descriptive as "BlogHer" is awesome.

So then, what would we call it if I wanted to start a blog community for men? BlogHim sounds lame (and a little gay, or religious, which is ironic).

My ideas:

PenisMightier (as in, "The Pen Is Mightier." Get it?)

Your ideas in the comments. Together, we can make this shit happen.


Patrick said...

How about Cock-Blog'd?

Jerk Of All Trades 2.0 said...

PenisMightier (Maybe throw The before it) sounds good. If I wrote more I'd even join up.

Anonymous said...

i'm on board. i like penismightier even though it sounds like the subject line in a spam email.